

Monday, March 10, 2025


 A flower beautiful like a woman,
resilient like a woman,
and celebrated for women.
But what happens once 
that day passes?

What flower do we put on a woman's
grave dead at the hands of man!


A wise man once told me...
worrying doesn't take away
it takes away
and that HIT ME DEEP.

These are words that are not mine,
but in today's world I wonder how 
many wise men are still around.
It's sad and madness prevailing from
people who are blinded by their ego,
by their thirst of power, money and
are ready to sacrifice human beings 
for a minute of shining power. 


Thursday, February 20, 2025


What is new, I really don't know
my life is upside down and I truly
don't have any ideas on how to put
it back in order. 
Why do I feel that I'm walking on
egg shells not feeling the pain
that I inflict myself. I can't stop
crying from looking at my poor
body that refuses to listen to me.
A travel through books, old letters
to no avail, no answers are there
that will calm me down. I'm
looking for peace that I don't grasp
music that sounds great to my
ears but my heart can't stand. 
Am I true to my self, I really 
don't know and at this point
in my life I can't really care anymore.
Please help me find a magic potion
before I give up on life.
Oh me, poor me, what have I done
to deserve this misery at this point
in my life...  

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Life stages

A bed  of flower but not sleep
a nature clock but not time
a book of pages but know knowledge
a position all right or all left  but not respect
medicine  but abuse in system but not health
expensive amusements but not friendship
proclamation of obedience but not faithfulness
a millionaire house but not home.


Pride not political


I'm not a politician,
I don't even follow politics,
but faith in my flag 
is my pride and joy.

STAND UP and say
THANK YOU to this 
beautiful country of ours

Friday, February 7, 2025

Sound of your cry

The clock by the bed is ticking too loud in the quiet night

I lie in the darkness thinking I must go before it's light Before you open up your eyes and you beg me to stay I'll leave 'cause I can't stand to see you hurt this way Sleep my love as I kiss you goodbye Then I won't hear the sound of your cry Though I knew the time was coming and our love would end somehow I just couldn't bear to tell you exactly just when or how I know we can't go on, that it was wrong to start But if you wake up crying now, you know you'll break my heart Sleep my love as I kiss you goodbye Then I won't hear the sound of your cry Sleep my love as I kiss you goodbye Then I won't hear the sound of your cry Ohhhh, sleep my love as I kiss you, kiss you, kiss you goodbye Then I won't hear the sound of your cry Ohhhh, sleep my love as I kiss you goodbye Then I won't hear oh no, the sound of your cry Ohhhh, sleep my love as I kiss you goodbye Then I won't hear the sound of your cry Oh ooh ooh ooh, sleep my love as I kiss you goodbye Then I won't hear the sound of your cry Sleep my love as I kiss you goodbye 

Then I won't hear the sound of your cry

NB: this is sang by Elvis Presley

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

True or False


A wise man once told me...
worrying doesn't take away
it takes away
and that HIT ME DEEP.

Time have not changed and MEN have not learned.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The old book ...


Open a book and see your life going by.
Sadness found in pages along with findings
of happiness and exciting citations. Turning
pages to see the holding of the next chapter, or
you close the book from disappointments.